At Loxwood, we understand the importance of reasoning and problem solving within Maths, to prepare children for the wider world and their future education. Every child is encouraged to be curious, ask questions and to test their ideas.
Our aim is for every child, to reach their full potential by:
- Becoming capable and well-rounded mathematicians that are prepared for the wider world and future education.
- ‘knowing numbers’ – develop a number sense and be able to recall and apply knowledge rapidly, accurately and efficiently
- Being able to move fluently between different representations of mathematical ideas and be able to use manipulatives to model their mathematical thinking through a process of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.
- Having the ability to reason mathematically and approaching the subject with a sense of enjoyment and curiosity.
- Being able to make rich connections between different mathematical domains and talk about their learning to help solve everyday problems.
- Solving problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication.
In Maths, we incorporate our core values (Resilience, Collaboration, Curiosity, Creativity and Kindness) to ensure that our children develop as life-long learners and responsible citizens. Through Quality First Teaching and having high expectations, we ensure all children (including disadvantaged and SEND) are accessing the curriculum by constantly reviewing and adapting teaching.
We have a coherent and sequenced curriculum, which builds on the progression of knowledge and skills for each year group. Our Maths curriculum at Loxwood is delivered with the support of White Rose Maths scheme as well as NECTM and NRICH. These support teachers to deliver well-structured and exciting mathematical opportunities that enable our children to learn, revisit and progressively develop their knowledge and skills in Maths at an age-appropriate level.
Teachers and other adults working in EYFS are fully trained in supporting early mathematical development and helping our youngest learners to acquire early number sense. This is achieved through practical and engaging activities, which children can access, alongside adults or independently with peers, to practise their Maths skills. In Years 1-6, Maths lessons are planned to follow the small-step mastery approach to acquiring maths skills. Our teachers promote and encourage children to work collaboratively, as well as independently, and provide excellent modelling of all mathematical processes and concepts as part of everyday teaching.
At Loxwood, all pupils make excellent progress in Maths. This starts with a firm foundation in EYFS. This excellent outcome means that pupils have a firm foundation on which to build further mathematical knowledge in KS2. The majority of our older pupils are equipped with the maths skills they need to succeed at secondary school when they leave us.
Through evaluation of work in children’s books at Loxwood, it is clear to see the high quality of mathematics throughout the school. Children are able to confidently talk about their work in maths lessons and can apply age-appropriate skills and knowledge in their work. They are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes, showing both perseverance and resilience in mathematical learning.
We use Target Tracker as a system for recording ongoing progress using the steps and statements for all Maths areas. In Key Stage 2, we use NFER tests termly to support our ongoing judgements as well as internal and locality moderation. All of these feed into our termly pupil progress meetings with senior leaders and then into our class action plans for the lowest 20% and disadvantaged children.