Cherry Class - Year 1

Welcome to the
Cherry Class Page
Hello, our names are Mrs Chandler and Miss Price and we are very excited to be the teachers for Cherry Class! Thank you for dropping in to our Class Page to see what we are getting up to in Year 1!
Our new topic for the Spring Term is... Fabulous Forests!
Take a look at our Topic Webs and Home Learning Grids relating to our new topic.
 PE days for Cherry Class are Mondays and Wednesdays.
We have woodland learning every other Thursday (see below for timetable). 
If you need to contact me please email
Mrs Chandler and Miss Price
Topic webs and Term Home Learning Projects:
Woodland learning with Mrs Harder:
Woodland Learning will happen in most weathers, other than high winds and thunderstorms therefore it means the children should be prepared to be outside in all weathers and dressed appropriately. To ensure we make the most of our time outside and are able to deepen our learning, playtime will be included in the Woodland Learning session.

We ask that your child comes to school dressed in their Woodland Learning Kit on that day and please make sure all other items are named and are in a named bag. It is also useful to have a separate plastic bag for muddy clothes or boots following the sessions.


What to Wear

Your child will need to wear:

-Jacket/waterproof coat


-Waterproof trousers/trousers that can get muddy*

-Spare socks

-Wellies or boots (named and kept at school)

-Woolly hat/sunhat (weather dependent)

-Gloves (weather dependent)

-Spare plastic bag for muddy kit

*Shorts and short sleeved shirts are not suitable



Cherry Class Woodlands Sessions

Spring Term 1

Thursday 16th January

Thursday 30th January

Thursday 13th February


Spring Term 2

 Thursday 27th February

Thursday 13th March

Thursday 27th March

Some resources and websites that you might find useful.
Phonics and Reading
How to support your child at home
Learning Games