
School Uniform


We ask that children do wear full school uniform each day, including black shoes.  You can buy most of our school uniform from supermarkets or high street stores or you can order items with our school logo via our online supplier – Taylor Made Uniforms  




It consists of:

  • White polo shirt
  • A green jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
  • Grey or black skirt, trousers or shorts (if wearing a skirt, children can wear black  or grey cycling shorts underneath)
  • White or grey socks and green or grey tights
  • Black shoes which could be plain all-black trainers
  • In summer, children can wear grey shorts or a green and white check summer  dress
  • Reception can wear black or green jogging bottoms, if this is more suitable for them.

 For PE:

  • Polo shirt in their house colour
  • Black shorts or black leggings / jogging bottoms for the winter
  • Green jogging bottoms (in Reception)
  • Trainers – if they are unable to tie them, please avoid laces
  • PE bag in house colour
Please make sure everything is clearly named.

On their birthday, children can wear their own clothes but make sure they are practical for running around the playground in.


If their hair is longer than shoulder length then it must be tied up in a discrete way, in line with the school uniform (green, brown, black bands). Please avoid large or fancy bows or accessories. Children should not wear make-up, nail varnish or temporary tattoos.

For their own safety, we ask that the children do not wear any jewellery to school except for a pair of simple stud earrings. However, these need to be removed for PE days or taped up. They may wish to wear a watch, if it is not distracting them from their learning. Again, they would be expected to remove this for PE lessons. 


For Woodlands Learning:

All children take part in Woodlands Learning every other week.  Please make sure your child wears suitable clothes on their specific days which can be found on the class pages of our website. 

This consists of:

  •          Clothes you do not mind getting dirty
  •          Long trousers and a long sleeved top                                    
  •          Wellies (keep in school)                                 
  •          Waterproof trousers
  •          Waterproof coat


Warm weather/cold weather:

Please make sure your child has a sun hat and wears sun protection on warmer days.  As the children learn outside all year round, please make sure they have a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers and wellies at school.  In cold weather, please make sure they have a hat and gloves.  For infants, in case of accidents, please pack a spare change of clothes in their PE bag including pants and socks/tights.