Mulberry Class - Year 5

Mulberry Class Teacher is Mr Fiveash
Mulberry Class Assistant Teacher is Ms. Trench
Welcome to the 
Mulberry Class Page
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely and restful Christmas break. Our topic for the Spring term will be 'Chocolate'.

In English, we will be reading the book 'The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart' by Stephanie Burgis.

In History, we will be learning about the Maya Civilisation. We will learn about who the ancient Maya people were as well as their religious beliefs and rituals. This will include discovering information about the many Gods they worshipped. We will explore the Mayan number syster and have the opportunity to read and write Maya numbers and solve number problems. Furthermore, we will learn about the work of John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood.

In Science, we will be learning about Animals, including Humans. We will be describing the ways in which nutrients are transported within animals, including humans. We will also be identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system and describing the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Lastly, we will be recognising the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. 
In Maths, we will be starting with our multiplication and division unit. Then we will move onto fractions, decimals and percentages, perimeter and lastly, our statistics unit.

For more information please see the topic web below. 

PE days for Mulberry Class will usually be on Wednesdays (with Mr Green) and Thursdays.

Spring 1 - Tag Rugby and Dance
Spring 2
Woodlands Learning
For the Spring term, Year 5 will have Woodlands Learning on the following dates:
  • 15th January

  • 29th January

  • 12th February

  • 5th March

  • 19th March

  • 2nd April

  • 16th April

  • 30th April

If you have a query or concern, please talk to us at school drop off or pick up. You can also get in touch through the school office by emailing I am always happy to answer any questions and support your child.
Mr Fiveash 

Each term, the children will be given a new ‘Independent Homework Grid’. In Year 5, there will be set ‘hand in’ days at the bottom which is the minimum requirement. Each task should be taken from a different row and column. The amount of time a child chooses to spend on a project is up to them. Please focus on the presentation!

After completing times tables and arithmetic on a Friday, children should choose an area that they would like to practice at home to help them improve their score each week. 

Year 5 Maths Homework
This will from now on be set weekly. Both the questions and the answers will be available on the school website.
Completing homework is encouraged, as the homework will help to consolidate the children's learning from the week. There is no requirement for children to bring their homework into school.
Mulberry Class Spellings 2024-2025
This year, we will no longer be completing weekly spelling tests. 
The children will be having 3 spelling lessons a week, looking at the rules and common exception words we will be looking to include in our writing by the end of Key Stage 2.
Useful Resources