Sycamore Class - Year 4

Sycamore class teacher is Mrs Oldfield and our TA is Mrs Zilz.

Hello and welcome back Sycamore Class for the SPRING TERM!



This term our theme is; Frozen Desert. We will be looking at the Arctic and Antarctic, especially focusing on the environmental issues that are happening in these beautiful areas of our planet.


In Science, we will be learning about Electricity, how it is made, and how we use it. We will also be learning about it’s environmental impact. After half term we will be learning about ‘States of Matter’ and the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.


In English to begin with, we will be using the book ‘Just Ask Dudley’, a book about how things work to inspire our English work. We will be learning how to write an explanation and of course continuing with our story writing skills.

We are also using the beautifully illustrated book by William Grill: ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ in English to learn about the explorer Ernest Shackleton. We will learning about the environmental damage that is happening to these places that some well-adapted animals call home.


We will be learning about the poles, latitude & longitude, and the equator in Geography.


In History we will be learning about the invaders the Anglo-Saxons and how the legacy they have left on our island home.


In Maths we will continue learning bout multiplication and division and then study length and perimeter.


There is a new homework grid below to inspire you to create something wonderful. Please also remember to continue to read to an adult at home, as we are counting all our reads weekly.


PE days are still Wednesday and Thursday. 


If you have a query or concern, please talk to me at school pick-up, or preferably you can get in touch via the school office by emailing and I will get back to you via a phone call or email as soon as I can. I am always happy to answer any questions or support you with any home learning.


Mrs O

Below are the links to your new Topic Web and your new Homework Grid.
Woodlands Learning Dates:
9th January
23rd January
6th February
6th March
20th March 
3rd April 
Sycamore Class Spellings
There will be no more official weekly spelling tests. The children will be taught explicit spelling rules in class. The termly spelling patterns have been sent home and are below if you wish to practice with your children. A select group of children however, will be sent a few words home from thier precision spellings to practice each week.
Accelerated Reader: please find below all you need to know about Accelerated Reader, if you haven't got the information from last year.
Accelerated reader login: